The Pastor's Desk

Christ, the Bread of Life – Part 4: The proclamation of faith

In the hours following, the multitude and then one disciple after another slipped away, stunned and confused by the spiritual truth they had heard.  Jesus turned to His twelve handpicked men and asked them the pressing question, “Will ye also go away?”[i]  Peter...

Christ, the Bread of Life – Part 3: The problem of unbelief

Because of unbelief, the Jews failed to perceive the spiritual analogy that Christ was drawing for them.  Their unbelief caused them to view Him as a source for meeting their physical needs only.  They had followed Him to the other side of the Sea of Galilee simply to...

Christ, the Bread of Life – Part 2: The promise of satisfaction

In John 6:35 Christ gave a promise: “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”  This was a promise of spiritual satisfaction.  The fact that Christ was fully capable of fulfilling this promise was...

TBC Students

Disappointment, Hope, and Eternity

Disappointment happens when you hoped for an outcome that did not come to pass. Or this outcome failed to meet expectations. In essence, these disappointments are “failed hopes”. We hoped things would turn out a certain way and they didn’t. If it didn’t bring the amount of pleasure you thought it would or things just didn’t turn out the way you wanted then you will be disappointed.

Thoughts on the Corona Virus and Our Response To It (Luke 13:1-5; Romans 8:18-30; Philippians 2:3-4)

So, there is a lot going on right now. The coronavirus is taking a toll on people and entire countries. China was basically shut down and is just now, months after the outbreak, getting back to work. Italy, Spain, and France have basically shut down due to the spread...

All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand (Matthew 7:24-27)

I have finally lived long enough to see this text begin to come to fruition in the lives of people my age. It seems to have taken a while for me to notice, but I have looked around to see calamity after calamity tear the lives of people my age apart. They built their...

News and Events

Christian, You Are Clothed In Righteousness (Zechariah 3)

I was reading a book to my daughter a few days ago and it led to an interesting discussion. At the end of the book, I asked her this question. Why is it that we will be able to stand before God without fear? Her answer was this. “Because Jesus gave us His clothes.” It...

The True Meaning of Adultery (Matthew 5:27-30)

The Nuremberg trials that followed World War II was a series of military tribunals where top-ranking Nazi criminals were prosecuted. The first trial prosecuted many people whose names still strike terror into the hearts of those who know anything about the atrocities...

The Sermon on the Mount: The True Meaning of Murder (Matthew 5:20-26)

Yesterday, as I was scrolling through the Twitterverse, I saw that a man was executed for killing a store owner back in 2004. The taking of another human life has long been seen as the worst of things that can be done to another human being and this means that it has...

Sister’s Act