Evidence For The Resurrection: The Tomb Was Empty

Evidence For The Resurrection: The Tomb Was Empty

Tonight we will look at our last line of evidence for the Resurrection of Christ. This is definitely not all the evidence that exists, but it is the last that we will look at in this series. The facts that we have looked at so far have been so attested to that there...
Evidence for the Resurrection: The Radical Change of James

Evidence for the Resurrection: The Radical Change of James

Our goal over the course of the past few weeks and now is to compile evidence that a vast majority of historians say happened. The facts thus far, including tonight’s session is uncontested. Eventually we will put all of the evidence together and see what the...
Evidence For The Resurrection: The Radical Change of Saul

Evidence For The Resurrection: The Radical Change of Saul

Paul was the writer of a majority of the New Testament. His work to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles was amazing and we have much of it in the New Testament. His love for God was incredible and his willingness to lay down his life for the spread of the Gospel was quite extraordinary. But, his name was not always Paul and he did not always behave this way.

Evidence For The Resurrection: The Disciples Truly Believed That Jesus Rose From The Dead And That They Saw Him

Evidence For The Resurrection: The Disciples Truly Believed That Jesus Rose From The Dead And That They Saw Him

The second fact, like the first, is an uncontested one. Virtually every historical scholar believes that this is the case. And this is important. It may seem unimportant because a lot of people believe a lot of different things and it doesn’t change reality. But the fact is that these guys claimed to have seen the risen Jesus, they were completely changed by what they believed, and they believed and professed it even unto death. People don’t die for things that they believe is a lie.

Evidence for the Resurrection: Jesus Died By Crucifixion

Evidence for the Resurrection: Jesus Died By Crucifixion

As we approach the celebration of Easter I would like for us to look at historical evidence for the Resurrection itself. We have already looked at the reliability of the Scriptures over the past few weeks. We can have incredible confidence in the reliability of the...