Honesty is not that much fun, it doesn’t add viewers to your television shows, it doesn’t attract people to your business, and it’s just not that interesting. Someday, when your car is broken down and you can’t fix it then you’re not going to want interesting. When...
“I hate divorce”, God says in Malachi 2:16. A lot of us here might well say, “I do too.” We have seen either in ourselves or in the people around us the great damage that can be done in a divorce. So, I think we would come together as a group and say that we hate...
The Nuremberg trials that followed World War II was a series of military tribunals where top-ranking Nazi criminals were prosecuted. The first trial prosecuted many people whose names still strike terror into the hearts of those who know anything about the atrocities...
Yesterday, as I was scrolling through the Twitterverse, I saw that a man was executed for killing a store owner back in 2004. The taking of another human life has long been seen as the worst of things that can be done to another human being and this means that it has...