The truth is that Christmas is going to be an indictment of you before it’s going to be a delight. If you are going to approach Christmas with the right attitude and thankfulness for what Christ has done you will see yourself as wicked and in need of the Savior.
Here we are at the last “Squad Goals” message in this look at the Book of Proverbs. Friends fight at times. They just do. People offend people at times and the closer you get to someone, it seems the more you will possibly offend them. This means that if you want to...
We opened with a funny video tonight about honesty. Interestingly it is also a Wendy’s commercial. I found this to be quite funny. But we all know that honesty and truthfulness are of great importance to our friendships. We have already discussed the type of...
Caring for My Teeth is the title of this week’s message. That may seem strange, but the main idea that these kids are learning is that God made them. One of the implications of them being a special creation of God is that they need to care for their body. The...
Children learned from Paul’s witnessing to King Agrippa in Acts 25-26. In the same way that Paul witnessed to Agrippa, telling him about Jesus, we also should tell others about Jesus. The memory verse is Romans 3:23. “For all have sinned and fall short of...
This lesson is about accepting those people who are different. God loves people of all kinds. And so, we learned that we are to treat all people equally and respectfully. The Bible material for the day is Acts 10 when Peter meets Cornelius. The Scripture memory...
Families oftentimes have a hard time getting along. Children see that it was sometimes this way for the families in the Bible. In this lesson they learned practical ways to promote peace when it is possible and get along with family members. The Bible material for...
This week is about bullying. This is a discussion from both sides of the equation. So this lesson is for both the bully and the victim. The Bible Material was from Luke 9:51-56 and the students saw Jesus Himself turning away violence. The Scripture memory verse this...
This week we looked at Abigail showing kindness from 1 Samuel 25:2-35. This lesson is about being kind to others. The children learn about showing kindness even in bad situations and about the concept of random acts of kindness. The Scripture memory verse is...
This lesson is about controlling anger. Children can learn how to control their anger. This lesson looks at an example of a person controlling their anger. The point of the lesson is that God wants us to control our anger. The Bible Material for this lesson is Genesis...
This meeting was about dealing with peer pressure. This was an attempt to make children aware that peer pressure will become an increasing influence on them as they grow older. We want children to learn how to deal with it and to choose friends that will help them...
This week the children learn how God wants them to behave toward their family members. They learned that they want to honor God with how they treat their family members. The memory verse is “Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one...
This week the children learned that God provided a way for them and loves His people unconditionally. The memory verse is “We love because He first loved us.” – 1 John 1:19 HCSB
The Bible story this week was the story of Zacchaeus from Luke 19:1-10. The Bible phrase to memorize this week is “If you love God, love others also (1 John 4:21). The hope is that the children learned that Jesus is their example of how to treat other people and...
The Bible Story for this week was about Peter being told about Jesus (Acts 2:1-2, 6-11, 14, 22, 37-41). The Bible phrase that the children memorize this week is “Tell people everywhere about Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20). Our hope is that students learn that they can...
Today we discussed a boy sharing his lunch in John 6:1-13, which of course is where Jesus feeds the 5,000. The phrase that the children are memorizing for this week is “Do what the Bible says.” (James 1:22) We hope that the children leave understanding...
The children discussed the Kind Man from Luke 10:25-37. And the Bible Phrase that they are to memorize is “Be kind to one another” (Ephesians 4:32). We want the children to learn that they can attempt to be like Jesus and be kind to others. And we also...
This week the children heard the Bible Story from Matthew 20:29-34 of Jesus healing two blind men. The phrase that they memorize for this week is “God gave us ears to hear and eyes to see. (Proverbs 20:12). It is our hope that the children left with and...
In week 3 the Bible story was about Hannah caring for Samuel in 1 Samuel 1:20-28; 2:18-21, 26. The Bible phrase that the children memorize this week is “God made us, and we are His.” (Psalm 100:3) We hope that the children leave this lesson understanding...
In meeting two the children learned about Abram moving to a new place in Genesis 12:1-9. Here is the Bible phrase that the children memorized for week two. “God helps us learn.” (Proverbs 2:6) We hope that the children will come away from this lesson...
In meeting one the children learned that Jesus Himself learned at church. This was taught from Luke 2:40-52. The Bible phrase that they memorized in meeting one was “Jesus listened to the teachers.” (Luke 2:46)