Longing For Forgiveness

Longing For Forgiveness

The truth is that Christmas is going to be an indictment of you before it’s going to be a delight. If you are going to approach Christmas with the right attitude and thankfulness for what Christ has done you will see yourself as wicked and in need of the Savior.

Squad Goals: Handle Offenses Well

Squad Goals: Handle Offenses Well

Here we are at the last “Squad Goals” message in this look at the Book of Proverbs. Friends fight at times. They just do. People offend people at times and the closer you get to someone, it seems the more you will possibly offend them. This means that if you want to...
Squad Goals: Handle Offenses Well

Squad Goals Part 3: Be Truthful and Handle Criticism Well

We opened with a funny video tonight about honesty. Interestingly it is also a Wendy’s commercial. I found this to be quite funny. But we all know that honesty and truthfulness are of great importance to our friendships. We have already discussed the type of...