The Urgency of Spreading the Name of Christ (John 4:27-42)
The message that people need most is that of Christ. People need to know that they have offended God and His just punishment is their eternal condemnation. People need to know that Christ has accomplished salvation from God’s wrath for them by living a perfect life on their behalf, dying the death that they owed, and rising from the dead. Your story doesn’t have that kind of power.
True Worship And Eternal Life Is Found Only In Christ: Jesus and the Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42)
I grew up in a town where there were not a whole lot of churches around other than Baptists and Methodists. I think that is something that happens a lot in Arkansas. The Presbyterian Church was small and hidden. The Catholic Church there was not large. Or, at least...Trust In The Great And Glorious Christ (John 3:22-35)
This discussion does not lie in a place 2,000 years ago. It means something to us today. Christ is also superior to all things we find in the here and now. Christ is greater.